Rewarding Pro Planet Action

The biosphere biomass & biodiversity project

Discover the Planet’s Largest Repository of Projects & Possibilities that allow earning of high impact & high value Carbon Credits

Protect the Planet. Empower the Economy.

over 100 ways
to help earth

Pick from one of over 150 methods through which you can help Planet Earth & Earn Highly Valuable Carbon Credits. 
Our team of experts will handhold you through the entire spectrum – from thought to finish. 

Four Steps to Success

how it works

become climate positive works with entities that meed the fundamental requirements of climate positivity including GHG emissions reporting, responsible sourcing & basic sustainability. We provide tools for you to get there.

evaluate suitable projects

Explore the list of projects & possibilities by assessing your fit with the various opportunities. From biodiversity, to agriculture, to Direct Air Capture, to Waste Management - discover 100's of valuable projects

get sop's, training & mrv tools

Once the first two steps are completed, will work with you closely to develop the projects that are most suitable for you - by taking out the complexities & mystifications around Carbon Credits

execute, monitor & earn

Post deploying the most appropriate projects, will the supervise the execution & implementation with rigorous process to ensure integrity of the protocols & standards - all the way to monetisation of credits